質問 |
答え |
"In Erstram's book, the section entitled "Other Landmarks" covers how many areas?"
4 |
"According to Erstam's book, how many spells are available in the Ninth Circle of Magic?"
8 |
"How many different materials can armour be made from?"
4 |
"How many beasts are discussed in the bestiary included in Erstam's book?"
52 |
"How many different types of reagents does Erstam write about?"
11 |
"How many reagents are required to cast the Mass Death spell?"
(虐殺[Mass Death]の魔法に必要な秘薬は何種類?)
6 |
"What is the number of times ginseng must be boiled before it becomes syrup?"
40 |
"In what Circle of Magic does the Create Automata spell appear?"
(オートマタ創出[Create Automata]は、第何サークルの魔法か?)
6 |
"For how many reasons did Erstam put down the history of the land in writing?"
1 |
"How many characters are there in Ophidian writing?"
36 |
"People from how many cities chose to emigrate from Britannia to the Serpent Isle?"
4 |
"How many cities were established in the Serpent Isle?"
3 |
"How many forces, when combined, form the Principles of Balance?"
6 |
"How many clans divide Monitor?"
3 |
"How many types of weapons are described in Erstam's book?"
4 |
"How many letters in the name of the woman who made dine-fitting lambskin gloves?"
6 |
"How many Words of Power are there?"
27 |