誰も知らない暗黒の土地[Lands Of The Dark Unknown] - ウルティマ1

The Castle of Olympusでクエスト対象になる "The Pillar of the Ozymandias" は、 西の大陸 "領主の土地" にあります。

The Castle of Olympus
探索:The Pillar of the Ozymandias
The Black Dragon's Castle
The Sign Post
効果:体力 10%UP
The Southern Sign Post
効果:魅力 10%UP
The city of Poor
The city of Clear Lagoon
The city of Wealth
The city of Imagination
The city of Gauntlet
The city of Nassau
The city of Stout
The city of Ponder
The Tramp of Doom
The Viper's Pit
The Long Death
The End
The Slow Death
The Viper's Pit II
The Guild of Death
The Metal Twister
The Troll's Holl